All day long, torrential rains flooded the spiritual
encampment at Glen Cove. Participants tended to the sacred fire and scrambled to secure tents and shade structures that were taking flight on exceptionally strong winds.
Visitors in this morning’s rainy mist included local wildlife biologist and ethnobiologist James “Doc” Hale, along with Joel G. Greger, a geotechnical and environmental consultant who lives across the Carquinez Strait in the small town of Crockett.
After conversing around the fire for some time, Doc and Joel walked the grounds of Sogorea Te with Corrina Gould (Ohlone), sharing their extensive knowledge of the area. The tide was unusually low, and on the West side of the cove they were able to locate an ancient grinding area with deep acorn grinding holes that is usually completely submerged in water. Expressing a strong conviction that this area is deserving of the utmost protection and respect, Doc and Joel offered to contribute to our efforts in whatever ways they can.
Later on, Ray Richardson, a retired Ethnic Studies professor who lives in the Glen Cove neighborhood, stopped by as he has many times in the past with lots of coffee, tea and honey. Ray is also a member of the Glen Cove Community Association and regularly attends their meetings. He reminded us that regardless of what may be said in the newspaper or on the internet, most of his neighbors support our efforts and do not agree with GVRD’s proposed park development plan.
At noon today, members of the Costanoan Rumsen Ohlone Tribe danced at San Francisco City Hall in traditional regalia, as part of a series of dances and ceremonies the tribe has planned in the San Francisco area to publicly assert their continued existence as a people. (During the genocidal Gold Rush Era, most Costanoan-Rumsen Ohlone people fled to Southern California and settled in the area of Pomona, CA.) Participants in the ongoing ceremony at Sogorea Te, including Wicahpiluta Candelaria (Rumsen Ohlone/Apache) and Mickey Gemmill, Jr (Pit River) attended the dance, distributing “Protect Glen Cove” flyers and talking with people about the situation at Glen Cove.
Tino DeOcampo also handed out flyers in the rain today, during the annual “Pista sa Nayon” Filipino Festival in the Vallejo waterfront area.
Bay Area artist Jesus Barraza has donated a stack of his signed 18×24 “Indian Land” posters, screenprinted on archival Strathmore paper. These posters are for sale by donation (recommended $20-50), as a fundraiser for the Glen Cove defense fund. If you’re interested in a poster, please either visit the spiritual encampment at Sogorea Te or email us:
protectglencove [at]
Recent articles/media:
- Rainforest Action Network blog 6/05: Respect Sacred Sites: Protect Glen Cove
- Global TV 6/06: First Nation protests Alberta’s plan to turn “sacred land” into RV park
- Indigenous Politics radio 6/05: Save Glen Cove – archive of a show hosted by J Kehaulani Kauanui, featuring an interview with Corrina Gould
- Tony Cerda via facebook: Photos of the Costanoan Rumsen Ohlone Tribe dancing at SF City Hall (Facebook login required)
- Protect Glen Cove 6/06: Relations with the Glen Cove neighborhood: a letter
A few photos

Albert Cusseaux and Foster Hicks (Former Vallejo City Councilman)
The struggle continues!
Looking East up Carquinez Strait towards Mt Diablo.
Just another member of Security.
Kim DeOcampo, Wounded Knee DeOcampo, Tino DeOcampo
Mark Anquoe (Kiowa) with Mexica & Xicano supporters from Santa Rosa, CA
Galeson Eagle Star, Oglala Lakota from the Pine Ridge Reservation (South Dakota).
"You know who you are…"
Elder’s Meditation of the Day – June 9
Every part of this country is sacred to my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove has been hallowed by some fond memory or some sad experience of my tribe. Even the rocks, which seem to lie dumb as they swelter in the sun along the silent shore in solemn grandeur, thrill with memories of past events connected with the fate of my people.
— -Chief Seattle, SUQUAMISH
Native people say the Earth is sacred. Some places on Earth will feel more sacred than others. You can often feel the sacredness of these places because of what has happened on them. If you do a ceremony on a certain place and return later, whatever happened before will still be there to help you. Even if someone you didn’t know did something on the Earth and you come along later, the powers will be there to help you. This is why the Earth is sacred and these special places are sacred spots.
My Creator, let the powers of the sacred places help the people today.