
These photos may be re-used by our allies & supporters, just please include a link back to this website wherever you post them. To request full resolution images, email protectglencove [at]

Participants gathered in a circle at the October 16, 2010 “Our Ancestors Our Crying” ceremony, Glen Cove.

Dancers at the October 16, 2010 “Our Ancestors Our Crying” ceremony, Glen Cove. (photo is taken from this page)

Standing on Glen Cove’s rocky shore near sunset. The Carquinez bridge is visible at top-right.

Looking Northwest in to Glen Cove through the Tule (Scirpus spp.) reeds.

A native Toyon shrub (Heteromeles arbutifolia) near the shoreline.

Graffiti on the Stremmel Mansion, 2010. The abandoned mansion sits atop ancient burial sites.

Looking Southeast from the cove’s shore.

Interesting rock formations on Eastern rim of the cove. Numerous grinding holes are nearby.

Moon rise at dusk after the Our Ancestors are Crying ceremony, October 16, 2010. Looking East.

Wounded Knee, Miwok elder, offering a prayer to the water in a creek that flows beside the Shellmounds.